SkyJuice has recently installed a Corporate responsibility Safe Water SkyTower at the Vietwater’17 conference in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The conference organiser, UBM as well as DFAT and AWA, sponsored the installation during the exhibition. The safe water SkyTower treats enough water daily for 1,000 school children and showcased Australian technology capability to deliver pragmatic solutions for Vietnam.

Bruce Biltoft and Rhett Butler at the Vietwater’17 safe clean water SkyTower installation.
After the conference, two SkyTowers were installed in Khahn Hoa Province. These installations follow on from the successful installation of a Safe Water Kiosk and a SkyTower in March 2017 in the Son La province of Vietnam. The permanent access to safe water for the two communities in Khahn Hoa was eagerly received.
Bruce Biltoft – Director of Evoqua Water Technologies and Tim McCalman, both volunteered their time to carry out the installation at Vietwater and then the installations at Khahn Hoa.
What is a SkyTower System?
The SkyTower system is a fully self-contained community drinking water filtration station manufactured and supplied by the SkyJuice Foundation, Australia. It operates without chemicals or electricity and typically produces 15,000 litres of safe water daily using ultrafiltration technology. Safe water is typically available daily to every person for less than 50 cents person/year.
With the support of local advertising incorporated on the SkyTower units, the installation can be self-financing with zero net cost to communities or users.
Tore Knos · 18 December 2017 at 4:17 am
Do you have information on the Skytower? How is it shipped? What does it look like? What is the size disassembled? What is the cost? Could it be build from local material?
Tore Knos
SkyJuice Foundation · 20 December 2017 at 9:37 am
Hi Tore, I’ve forwarded your details to the right person to answer your questions. They’ll get back to you via your email address. Thanks for contacting us!