We recently exhibited at two international expos in November. These were Vietwater 2018, an international water innovation and technology expo in Ho Chi Minh City 7-9 November and AidEx in Brussels 14-15 November.
Vietwater 2018 attracted exhibitors from 38 countries and over 14,000 visitors. SkyJuice Foundation was part of the 24 exhibitors in Australia’s pavilion amongst companies and organisations supported by the Australian Water Association. The SQUIRT, our latest design in the line of water filtration units, was well received and the focus of a one-to-one interview with Industry Minister Niall Blair who exposed to significant inroads the technology was made into Vietnam.
SkyJuice again exhibited the SQUIRT and SkyHydrant emergency range at AidEx, the premier international Aid and Humanitarian expo in Brussels. The event provides a platform for technology showcasing of latest offering in the sector. We were pleased to be co-located alongside our long-term partner OXFAM highlighting the partnership as well as attracting further interest in our emergency aid solutions.
Chairman Rhett Butler noted “It has been very pleasing to see the continued acceptance of Ultrafiltration membrane based solutions and offerings on show and being adopted by major NGO’s. Recently other suppliers are adopting the gravity design principle pioneered by SkyJuice and this can only lead to even better outcomes and innovative solutions in the water and sanitation sector”.
As usual, these events have indicated a tremendous interest in potable water solutions and a general consensus of an increasingly difficult task due to escalating refugee crises and the impacts of global warming. SkyJuice will continue to work with its partners in developing and providing water filtration solutions and working towards emergency as well as long-term access to safe water for communities in need.