SkyJuice Foundation has a long-standing partnership with Disaster Aid Australia (DAA). DAA has delivered numerous safe water installation projects worldwide in countries such as Fiji, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Colombia. We cannot overlook the incredible effort of volunteers in emergency situations!

In an orderly planned scenario, it is always imperative to involve the local community in all planning and implementation stages of a project. Local people who can take the project and also acquire the skills acquired to benefit others in the future. Also, water project can also have a significant ‘ add-on” value to existing community infrastructure, such as clinics, schools and hospitals. Emergency assistance, however,  requires adaptability and real-time decision making.

This month we would like to share a partner story that does exactly that.

Volunteers and partners who link safe water projects with other areas of “ emergency” humanitarian aid and local facilities can immediately and dramatically improve community benefits. This enhances the project outputs and its results to a higher-level impact within communities.

The story we are sharing with you, follows Mariah Valdehueza, a Filipino public health student at the Australian Catholic University (ACU), who had the first-hand experience in delivering aid in conjunction with Disaster Aid Australia.

“My experiences prompted me to examine how I can use my medical background and my passion for health issues and advocacy to directly benefit people in the communities.  The lessons I learned in emergency response work led my professional path towards public health,” Mariah said.

Enjoy reading Mariah’s story and please visit the Disaster Aid Australia website on the link below.

Or visit the full-length story on Australian Catholic College newsletter on the link below.