SkyJuice Foundation has numerous partners globally working to provide clean, safe drinking water to those most in need. It is estimated that over 873 million people in the world lack access to safe drinking water and 478 million of those are children. Furthermore, an estimated 260 million children and youth in developing countries are not attending school. So how can SkyHydrants make a difference to this situation? 

Education is a critical factor in breaking the cycle of poverty, yet over half of the world’s schools lack access to safe water and sanitation facilities. The lack of clean water directly leads to increased illnesses and reduced school attendance. Attendance is further impacted due to ongoing chore of collecting daily water and education becoming less of a priority. This sets up an unfortunate cycle of poverty and inequality as, without proper education, there is little chance of improving life outcomes.

Selecting the right location is one of the most vital factors when planning a SkyHydrant installation. Schools have proven to be an excellent logistical and community centric choice for successful installation. It is not only the easy community access, but the demonstrated benefits of providing school children with safe, clean water.

It has been proven that access to safe water increases school attendance provides numerous long- and short-term benefits for the community. Here are some statistics provided by Diganta Swaraj Foundation on their partner projects with Disaster Aid Australia in eight schools in regional India.

The results are uplifting. Before the SkyHydrant installation, on average, 643 students fell ill weekly while after a SkyHydrant installation, that number has dropped to 74 per week. This shows an overall reduction of 88% for illnesses from all causes. Majority of diseases in children seem to have been caused by the contaminated water sources. The access to clean water has eliminated exposure to harmful bacteria and consequently certain forms of illness have all but disappeared.

The figures reflect the number of diseases and health-related issues in schools, but the wider reaching “trickle through” effects are numerous with significant improvements to the circumstances of individuals and communities alike.

Education is a powerful agent of change; improves health and livelihoods, contributes to social stability and drives long-term economic growth. What’s more, education is also essential to the success of every one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. When a SkyHydrant installation can decrease an absentee percentage from 10% to less than 1%, the results are truly inspiring. Clean safe water changes lives.