Building a Future of Safe Water Access with SkyHydrant Technology in the Philippines

In the past decade, the SkyJuice passive membrane technology has transformed lives across Mindanao, the Philippines. Through the Philippines’ “Safe Water for Every Child” (SWFEC) initiative, over 240 schools and villages now have sustainable access to safe drinking water. This groundbreaking effort not only addresses water scarcity but also improves Read more…

Veolia Fondation embraces SkyHydrant technology

SkyJuice has a long-standing partnership with Veolia Fondation (VF). Veolia Fondation supports community-oriented, non-profit projects contributing to sustainable development. Their AQUAFORCE emergency equipment is deployed globally to support humanitarian aid efforts in connection with VeoliaForce team members.   The AQUAFORCE 2000 is the smallest of their emergency water system range. Read more…